A few weeks ago I had one of those life lessons learned the hard way. I wanted to share with others, but these days Facebook has become too "preachy" already so this blog seems a good place for this.
If you have been visiting my blog, you will see several pictures of me hiking the beautiful Grand Canyon. I do it every year, and it never gets old. It is the most amazing and rewarding experience and I recommend it to anyone who is in decent shape, or can get into decent shape.
Like I said, I do this hike every year and I do it with a church group. This year, however, the leader of the hike couldn't organize the hike. So, in the Spring I thought to myself that I would just somehow go myself. I looked online for places to stay on the North Rim, because that is the hardest place to find accommodations. I wrestled internally with myself whether or not I would make the effort to do it myself, and of course by 'myself' I mean I would find one sucker to talk in to coming with me. I would never do the hike completely alone.
A couple of months ago a newly found friend who I play tennis with at my gym told me how much he has wanted to hike the Grand Canyon. He had no idea that I hike it every year, he was just telling me about a bucket list item he had. I told him all about it, what to prepare for, and everything and that he would have to plan in advance, do training hikes, etc.
Well, a few weeks ago he asked me if I wanted to come with him and his wife that weekend on the Rim to Rim hike of the Grand Canyon. He had the transportation arranged (key exchange), and hotel arrangements and everything.
This is the Life Lesson: Be Prepared for What You Want to Happen
I did a lot of research to find lodging, transportation, to see if I could do the Rim to Rim hike this year. The one thing I did not do is ANY TRAINING HIKES! So, I had to tell my friend "No, I can't come with you and you're wife because I'm not prepared." Had I been doing bi-weekly hikes, preparing myself for the opportunity for a Rim to Rim hike I would have been ready and I could have accepted my friend's offer.
Be Prepared for What You Want to Happen!!!
Swingyde is a Great Training Aid!
Inside Approach Swingyde
I saw a guy at the PGA Superstore in Chandler, AZ using one of these in the
hitting bay and he had a really nice swing. I asked h...
14 years ago