Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Thanksgiving in Bayard, NM
For Thanksgiving, Alicia and I went to Bayard, New Mexico to visit her aunt, uncle, and her sweet grandmother. Bayard is just outside of Silver City, if you know where that is. If you are unfamiliar with either, then just know that it is a 5 hour drive west of Phoenix.
We spent Thanksgiving eating and watching the NFL football games on TV. The food was delicious! That afternoon we went on a drive around the area to see where my father-in-law grew up and where his father mined.We also saw the fourth largest, open-pit, copper mine in the world. It was pretty deep! Alicia's uncle told me that there used to be a small town on the land where the pit is now. The town had a high school, movie theatre, grocery store, houses, etc. Now it is just a big hole in the ground!
Alicia's uncle Ron is a funny guy, always making us laugh and feel comfortable. He kept talking about the "Kneeling Nun" which is a rock formation right above the copper mine that looks like a nun kneeling at an altar. I guess people from all over come to see the Kneeling Nun.
Friday we watched the Texas vs. Texas A&M football game. Boy was my father-in-law nervous! He kept getting up out of the chair and pacing the room. Texas didn't play as well as they usually do and the Texas defense had trouble stopping the option. The A&M QB was a 2nd stringer, replacing their injured QB and he had a lot of heart and determination! Texas had quite a scare and almost lost their number 2 spot, and their undefeated record. Hopefully, that will humble them so they will work harder to win the Big 12 championship and the national championship at the Rose Bowl.
After the game, we drove up to Lakeside/Pinetop to Alicia's parents' house. It was a beautiful drive through rolling hills, mountains, and pine trees. Saturday, Jimmy (my father-in-law) and I had a tee time at a municipal golf course in Show-Low, but it was freezing cold and extremely windy! Jimmy suggested we just hit some balls and determine whether or not we should play. I agreed. The starter told Jimmy that there were a lot of people out there playing. Jimmy didn't want to be thought of as a wimp, so he signed us up for 9 holes.
That was the most miserable 9 holes I have played in a long time. I have played some holes in Boise, Idaho when it was cold, windy, or raining, but this was pretty bad. It was so windy that half of the flagsticks were blown over! The ones that were still in were bending at a 90 degree angle with the force of the wind! To top it all off, I lost my cell phone somewhere on the course. The cart paths are gravel and quite bumpy, so it likely fell out of my pocket.
I was just informed today by Alicia that the golf course called Jimmy and told them that they found the phone. That is a huge relief because a new phone was going to cost me $100-$200. I will probably get it sometime next week. I can't wait until February when I can get a new phone with the Verizon "new after two" program....but that's another story.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
Honeymoon in Maui
Our honeymoon in Maui was amazing! We stayed at the Sheraton in Ka'anapali and the hotel and grounds were gorgeous. The snorkeling at Black Rock, which is right by the Sheraton, was great. We even liked it better than the snorkeling in Molikini.
We went to a magic/comedy show in Lahaina and loved it! Since it was our honeymoon, Alicia and I got to sit up front where the magician used us in the show and made fun of us. It didn't hurt my ego too bad, but I'm still recovering. :)
We went to a Luau in Ka'anapali and had ok food and ok entertainment. Most of the time we were relaxing on the beach or by the pool. It was so relaxing that I even read a book...The DaVinci Code. It had been a while since I had actually finished a book.
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Wedding went great!
I'm a married man now! The wedding went smoothly and I think everyone had a good time. It is a little frustrating because some people RSVP'd and then didn't show up so there were a few empty chairs that were paid for and not used. Other than that, everything was perfect! My family had a great time dancing to the music of the two man band that Alicia's dad hired for the evening. The food was excellent and the chocolate fountain was a hit! My brother played the first song on my guitar and it was great...he has an awesome voice. My cousin was the MC for the evening. It all felt like a whirlwind. I was going in circles talking to this person, getting tapped on the shoulder and being introduced to that person, and then pulled aside to meet someone else.
It was a great time! Isn't my bride beautiful?
Monday, September 19, 2005
Amazing show!!!
My friend Pam had a guy back out on her invitation to Movin' Out...a Broadway musical that is on tour across the nation; now at Tempe, AZ. She called me Sunday morning and asked if I wanted to go! What? Are you crazy? Of course I wanted to go!!! So, Sunday at 2pm Pam picked me up in her shiny black corvette and we went to the show.
At first I thought it was kind of strange because I wasn't expecting a sort of pop ballet set to Billy Joel music. I guess I was expecting a musical where the actors had lines and also sang....something like West Side Story. At intermission Pam and I talked about it and we both liked the show and admitted that it wasn't what we expected, but was very good.
The show only got better after the intermission. The music and dance reached inside of me to the point where I was almost overwhelmed with emotion. It was amazing! Music sometimes does that to me...I actually had to concentrate and breathe so that I didn't fall apart. I don't think Pam noticed, but I was struggling there for a few minutes. At the finale, the crowd could hardly contain themselves and of course the performers received a well deserved standing ovation. It took me several minutes of walking to the car before I came out of the clouds and down to the hot, desert earth.
Monday, September 05, 2005
Smells like Dog!
We're taking care of Alicia's parents' Shih Tzus while they are playing in Hawaii for a couple of weeks. They are great dogs, but make the place stink like dog! I can't wait until Wednesday when they come home to pick them up! Biscuit and Cupcake are their names, but when I take them out to do what comes naturally, I call them Spike and Killer! :)
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Marriage Licence
This morning Alicia and I went to the courthouse and got our marriage licence. It was 50 bucks! For what? A little piece of paper. The lady at the counter was kinda strange and kept calling Alicia "Ali" and she saw my Idaho driver's licence and said "Aho" because apparently that is what she called it as a child. :s She was wearing a beautiful moo-moo though and had a sweet spirit.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Wedding Announcements are Out!
Alicia sent the announcements out recently, so it's official! We're getting married September 30th in Chandler at the Ocotillo Golf Club. It should be a great time!
Anyone who is coming to the wedding, we recommend you stay at a hotel near the Chandler Mall because the wedding is just a couple of miles away and the mall is right next to the freeway for easy access to all that Phoenix has to offer! :)
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
The Rocket in Phoenix
Alicia and I went to see a Diamondbacks game last night. The Astros are in town and the legendary Roger Clemens "The Rocket" was pitching. What a great experience to see a great athlete like The Rocket perform!
The Diamondbacks ended up losing 3-1. The only run the Diamondbacks scored was a solo home run in the second inning. Gonzalez left a runner in scoring position at least twice. He never even made it on base! What a dissapointment!
After the game, we funneled our way outside only to find that there was a DOWNPOUR!!! We waited for it to pass, but after about 15 minutes we saw that we were going to have to make a run for it. The car was about four blocks away, but we were completely soaked in the first four steps! Good thing Alicia has a good sense of direction because I couldn't see, the rain was coming down that hard! We were dodging water coming off the raingutters like fire hoses, then wading through puddles up to our knees the size of small lakes! I was protecting the digital camera from getting wet while trying not to get hit by cars leaving the parking lots. When we finally got to the car, it was a huge relief.
Driving home wasn't too bad, until we pulled off the I-10 going east on the 60. All we saw were headlights. The freeway was in a standstill! It took us about an hour to get from the 60 and I-10 to the 60 and the 101! That's an hour for, like five miles! By the time I got home it was around 11:15 pm and there was loud cracking from the lightning. I didn't get to sleep until around midnight, but I still got up at 5 am to excercise at Lifetime Fitness! That's why my head is bobbing while writing this blog....I'm so tired!
It was all worth it...a memory that will last a lifetime!
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Vinny's Eloping!
My younger brother, Anthony (aka Vinny), is eloping on the Oregon coast today. Congrats, Anthony! I am one of the few who knew about it before it happened. Shanel (I don't know how to spell her name) sent out invitations to everyone the day before they left. So, I think everyone knows by now.
Here's a recent pick of Anthony up at Lava Hot Springs, Idaho. We were all duded up as cattle ranchers for a movie my cousin is making about the Williams family.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Lava Hot Springs, Idaho
I flew in to SLC airport last night at about 9pm and drove up to Logan to stay with my brother. The Cornelious Williams Family Reunion is this weekend up near Lava Hot Springs in southern Idaho, about 1 hour north from here.
You should see my rental car! It is a very small Chevy Aveo. I will be heading up to the reunion in this little tin can! :)
The reunion should be fun....I am going to be envolved in a filming of the Williams history.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Welcome to SethWilliams.com
I had my domain pointing to a free geocities website, but then I thought...."why not point sethwilliams.com to my blog?" We'll try this out and see what happens.
Welcome to the life of Seth Williams. I don't know what this site will be about or anything, but stay tuned.